"Seasons on the Hudson" is a series of 4 x 4" paintings of the Hudson River, as seen on my commute into work on the Metro North Hudson Line, from Croton-on-Hudson to Grand Central. I started the series on February 17, 2015. All paintings are based on my own photographs.

I started this series as an exercise in not using black pen ink to define space. I also wanted to force myself to work quickly, gesturally, with a bigger brush, and not rework areas to death. These little works are meant to look like sketches in paint—a frozen moment on a train as its shunts to somewhere else. The series has also turned into an exercise in noticing my surroundings more carefully. Now, halfway through the year, I'm already seeing patterns I hadn't seen before. There will always be things lost on us, but the more we look, the less we loose.